//Import tweenmax
import gs.*;
//Loop through all the letters in the stage
for (var i=0; i numChildren; i++) {
//Get a letter (movie clip) from the stage
var mc:* = getChildAt(i);
//Add an MOUSE_OVER listener for the letter
mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, mouseOverHandler);
//Tween the letter to have a white glow
TweenMax.to(mc, 0.2 , {glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, alpha:1, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
//This function is called when the mouse is over an letter
function mouseOverHandler(e:Event):void {
//Save the letter to a local variable
var letter:MovieClip = e.target as MovieClip;
//Animate the letter.
//We call the function scaleBack() when the tween is finished
TweenMax.to(letter, 0.8 , {scaleX: -1, glowFilter:{color:0xff8800, blurX:20, blurY:20}, onComplete: scaleBack, onCompleteParams:[letter]});
//This function is called when a letter’s scaleX is -1
function scaleBack(letter:MovieClip):void {
//Animate the letter back to original state
TweenMax.to(letter, 0.2 , {scaleX: 1, glowFilter:{color:0xffffff, blurX:10, blurY:10}});
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