1。test.asp 调用类生成树 代码如下
<%@ Language=VBScript %
<link rel="stylesheet" href="tree.css"
<!-- #include file="tree.asp" --
' This approach would be best suited for building
' dynamic trees using For..Next loops and such.
Set MyTree2 = New Tree
MyTree2.Top = 10
MyTree2.Left = 10
MyTree2.ExpandImage = "plus.gif"
MyTree2.CollapseImage = "minus.gif"
MyTree2.LeafImage = "webpage.gif"
' Notice the indentation used to reprensent the hierarchy
Set Node1 = MyTree2.CreateChild("script")
Set SubNode1 = Node1.CreateChild("server")
Set secSubNode1 = SubNode1.CreateChild("html")
secSubNode1.CreateChild "<A HREF=""""asp</A"
secSubNode1.CreateChild "<A HREF=""""php</A"
secSubNode1.CreateChild "<A HREF=""""jsp</A"
Set SubNode2 = Node1.CreateChild("os")
SubNode2.CreateChild "<A HREF=""#""winnt</A"
SubNode2.CreateChild "<A HREF=""#""win2000</A"
Set Node2 = MyTree2.CreateChild("Desktop")
Node2.CreateChild "<A HREF=""#""Area Code Lookup</A"
Node2.CreateChild "<A HREF=""#""Arin Based Whois Search</A"
Node2.CreateChild "<A HREF=""#""World Time Zone Map</A"
Set MyTree2 = Nothing
2。tree.asp 类的定义 代码如下
' Author: Jacob Gilley
' Email: avis7@airmail.net
' My Terms: You can use this control in anyway you see fit
' cause I have no means to enforce any guidelines
' or BS that most developers think they can get
' you to agree to by spouting out words like
' "intellectual property" and "The Code Gods".
' - Viva la Microsoft!
Dim gblTreeNodeCount:gblTreeNodeCount = 1
Class TreeNode
Public Value
Public ExpandImage
Public CollapseImage
Public LeafImage
Public Expanded
Private mszName
Private mcolChildren
Private mbChildrenInitialized
Public Property Get ChildCount()
ChildCount = mcolChildren.Count
End Property
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
mszName = "node" & CStr(gblTreeNodeCount)
gblTreeNodeCount = gblTreeNodeCount + 1
mbChildrenInitialized = False
Expanded = False
End Sub
Private Sub Class_Terminate()
If mbChildrenInitialized And IsObject(mcolChildren) Then
Set mcolChildren = Nothing
End If
End Sub
Private Sub InitChildList()
Set mcolChildren = Server.CreateObject("Scripting.Dictionary")
mbChildrenInitialized = True
End Sub
Private Sub LoadState()
If Request(mszName) = "1" Or Request("togglenode") = mszName Then
Expanded = True
End If
End Sub
Public Function CreateChild(szValue)
If Not mbChildrenInitialized Then InitChildList()
Set CreateChild = New TreeNode
CreateChild.Value = szValue
CreateChild.ExpandImage = ExpandImage
CreateChild.CollapseImage = CollapseImage
CreateChild.LeafImage = LeafImage
mcolChildren.Add mcolChildren.Count + 1, CreateChild
End Function
Public Sub Draw()
Response.Write "<table border=""0""" & vbCrLf
Response.Write "<tr<td" & vbCrLf
If Expanded Then
Response.Write "<a href=""javascript:collapseNode('" & mszName & "')""<img src=""" & CollapseImage & """ border=""0""</a" & vbCrLf
ElseIf Not mbChildrenInitialized Then
Response.Write "<img src=""" & LeafImage & """ border=0" & vbCrLf