Name: Henning Ludvigsen
Age: 29 Gender: m
Sign-up Date: 2004-09-28 Country: Norway (Currently living in Greece)
Influences: I tend to find myself browsing through boris?online gallery, but inspiration usually pops up during any wierd situation. I prefer painting simple compositions, and focus on use of colors and whatever comes into my mind at the moment of creation. Music is also a big source of inspiration to me...
Style: High fantasy, naturalistic.
"As I am currently working on a really time consuming painting, I need to break up my work by making some fast ones as well. I made this one in approx. 6-7 hours. I had this idea for quite some time, and I wanted to make a portrait of a friend and colleague of mine named Ricki. I love painting rough portraits like this, and might continue doing this with several of my friends. Good practice, and great fun! Painted from scratch using Photoshop with a Wacom tablet.
See the process of making this painting here:
"The wrapture"
"I got this idea from a roleplaying session I had a couple of months ago. I磍l leave the story for you to decide and speculate
Painted from scratch using Photoshop with an Art Pad during 4 evenings. Thanks alot to my girlfriend Natascha for posing for me on this painting as well. Having a good reference makes the job alot easier. The original painting is 2862 x 3434 pixels in size. I was experimenting on using more sharp brushes on this painting, and I will continue developing in this direction, I think. "
"Mistress and servant"
"This time I have focused on skin tones, and making the painting pretty high res. The original is 4000x4800 pixels. Thanks to lovely Natascha for the pose. Painted from scratch using Photoshop with an
Art Pad during 4-5 evenings. On my personal homepage you can se step-by-step progress of making this painting.""Watcher of imagination"
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问"Made using Photoshop with an Art Pad during two short evenings. Thanks to Natascha for the pose. Step by step progress of making this picture is to be found on my personal homepage."
"It is the girl who磗 in control, in case anyone was wondering :-) Another standard picture, an element in the foreground and a simple background. Painted in Photoshop using as Art Pad."
"Altered birth"
"I wanted to create a picture with a female character, looking dangerous but yet a bit inviting. Picture made from scratch using Photoshop and an Art Pad."
"I cought myself only drawing female characters, and decided to make a picture with a guy in it. Not completely sure about the result, I have to admit that I feel more safe drawing the female character.
I woke up one morning, and had this picture inside my head. As I rarely have any sudden visions about my art, I felt that I just had to get this on down on the screen. Not sure if he pulls the moon apart, or if he磗 trying to fix things, you decide :-)"
"Not much to write about this picture, really. I guess this is a good example of pictures I like to make. Made from scratch using Photoshop and an Art Pad."
"Stepping stones"
"I wanted to create a soft, calm feeling with this girl leaving a fantasy world, entering
the real world. Painted from scratch using Photoshop and an Art Pad."