select * from 数据表,这里的*代表数据表中所有的字段。
4.2.2 查询所有记录的某些字段
在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp,然后单击按钮,将显示emp数据表的empno、ename和job字段,如图4.4所示。
select 字段名1, 字段名2, from 数据表,将显示某些特定的字段,注意这里的字段名之间的逗号是英文状态下的逗号。
4.2.3 查询某些字段不同记录
在图4.4所示的job字段中,可以发现有相同的数据,为了查询有多少种不同的job,在输入select distinct job from scott.emp,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.5所示的结果。
select distinct 字段名 from 数据表,这里的distinct保留字指在显示时去除相同的记录,与之对应的是all将保留相同的记录,默认为all。
4.2.4 单条件的查询
(1)在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job=’MANAGER’,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.6所示的字符型字段条件查询的结果,查询的是job为MANAGER的记录。
(2)在输入select empno,ename,sal from scott.emp where sal=2500,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.7所示的数字型字段条件查询的结果,查询的是满足sal小于等于2500的记录。
where可以指定查询条件,如果是指定字符型字段查询条件,形式为字段名 运算符 '字符串';如果是指定数字型字段查询条件,形式为字段名 运算符 '字符串'。 单条件查询使用的比较运算符如表4.1所示。
表4.1 比较运算符 名称实例=(等于)select * from scott.emp where job=’MANAGER’;select * from scott.emp where sal=1100;!= (不等于)select * from scott.emp where job!=’MANAGER’;select * from scott.emp where sal!=1100;^=(不等于)select * from scott.emp where job^=’MANAGER’;select * from scott.emp where sal^=1100;(不等于)select * from scott.emp where job’MANAGER’;select * from scott.emp where sal1100;(小于)select * from scott.emp where sal2000;select * from scott.emp where job’MANAGER’;(大于)select * from scott.emp where sal2000;select * from scott.emp where job’MANAGER’;=(小于等于)select * from scott.emp where sal=2000;select * from scott.emp where job=’MANAGER’;=(大于等于)select * from scott.emp where sal=2000;select * from scott.emp where job=’MANAGER’;in(列表)select * from scott.emp where sal in (2000,1000,3000);select * from scott.emp where job in (’MANAGER’,’CLERK’);not in(不在列表)select * from scott.emp where sal not in (2000,1000,3000);select * from scott.emp where job not in (’MANAGER’,’CLERK’);between(介于之间)select * from scott.emp where sal between 2000 and 3000;select * from scott.emp where job between ’MANAGER’ and ’CLERK’;not between (不介于之间)select * from scott.emp where sal not between 2000 and 3000;select * from scott.emp where job not between ’MANAGER’ and ’CLERK’;like(模式匹配)select * from scott.emp where job like ’M%’;select * from scott.emp where job like ’M__’;not like (模式不匹配)select * from scott.emp where job not like ’M%’;select * from scott.emp where job not like ’M__’;Is null (是否为空)select * from scott.emp where sal is null;select * from scott.emp where job is null;is not null(是否为空)select * from scott.emp where sal is not null;select * from scott.emp where job is not null;
like和not like适合字符型字段的查询,%代表任意长度的字符串,_下划线代表一个任意的字符。like ‘m%’ 代表m开头的任意长度的字符串,like ‘m__’ 代表m开头的长度为3的字符串。
4.2.5 组合条件的查询
(1)在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job=’CLERK’ and sal=2000,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.8所示的逻辑与组合查询的结果。
(2)在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job=’CLERK’ or sal=2000,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.9所示的逻辑或组合查询的结果。
(3)在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where not job=’CLERK’,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.10所示的逻辑非组合查询的结果。
not job=’CLERK’等价于job’CLERK’。
表4.2 逻辑比较符
名称实例and(与)select * from scott.emp where job=’MANAGER’ and sal2000;or (或)select * from scott.emp where job!=’MANAGER’ or sal2000;not(非)select * from scott.emp where not job=’MANAGER’;4.2.6 排序查询
在输入select empno,ename,job from scott.emp where job=’CLERK’ order by job asc,sal desc,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.11所示的排序查询的结果。
order by 可以指定查询结果如何排序,形式为字段名 排序关键词;asc代表升序排列,desc代表降序排列,多个排序字段之间通过逗号分割。若有where查询条件,order by要放在where语句后面。
4.2.7 分组查询
(1)在输入select empno,ename,job,sal from scott.emp group by job,empno,ename,sal having sal=2000,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.12所示的分组查询的结果。
(2)在输入select empno,ename,job,sal from scott.emp where sal=2000 group by job,empno,ename,sal,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.13所示的分组查询的结果。
where检查每条记录是否符合条件,having是检查分组后的各组是否满足条件。having语句只能配合group by语句使用,没有group by时不能使用having,但可以使用where。
4.2.8 字段运算查询
在输入select empno,ename,sal,mgr,sal+mgr from scott.emp,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.14所示的结果。
4.2.9 变换查询显示
在输入select empno 编号,ename 姓名,job 工作,sal 薪水 from scott.emp,然后单击按钮,出现如图4.15所示的结果,可以将默认的字段名以设定的名称显示。