


2016-02-19 15:47



''             Q B a s i c  N i b b l e s''          Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990'' Nibbles is a game for one or two players. Navigate your snakes' around the game board trying to eat up numbers while avoiding' running into walls or other snakes. The more numbers you eat up,' the more points you gain and the longer your snake becomes.'' To run this game, press Shift+F5.'' To exit QBasic, press Alt, F, X.'' To get help on a BASIC keyword, move the cursor to the keyword and press' F1 or click the right mouse button.''Set default data type to integer for faster game playDEFINT A-Z'User-defined TYPEsTYPE snakeBody  row AS INTEGER  col AS INTEGEREND TYPE'This type defines the player's snakeTYPE snaketype  head   AS INTEGER  length  AS INTEGER  row    AS INTEGER  col    AS INTEGER  direction AS INTEGER  lives   AS INTEGER  score   AS INTEGER  scolor  AS INTEGER  alive   AS INTEGEREND TYPE'This type is used to represent the playing screen in memory'It is used to simulate graphics in text mode, and has some interesting,'and slightly advanced methods to increasing the speed of operation.'Instead of the normal 80x25 text graphics using chr$(219) "?, we will be'using chr$(220)"? and chr$(223) "? and chr$(219) "? to mimic an 80x50'pixel screen.'Check out sub-programs SET and POINTISTHERE to see how this is implemented'feel free to copy these (as well as arenaType and the DIM ARENA stmt and the'initialization code in the DrawScreen subprogram) and use them in your own'programsTYPE arenaType  realRow   AS INTEGER    'Maps the 80x50 point into the real 80x25  acolor   AS INTEGER    'Stores the current color of the point  sister   AS INTEGER    'Each char has 2 points in it. .SISTER isEND TYPE             '-1 if sister point is above, +1 if below'Sub DeclarationsDECLARE SUB SpacePause (text$)DECLARE SUB PrintScore (NumPlayers%, score1%, score2%, lives1%, lives2%)DECLARE SUB Intro ()DECLARE SUB GetInputs (NumPlayers, speed, diff$, monitor$)DECLARE SUB DrawScreen ()DECLARE SUB PlayNibbles (NumPlayers, speed, diff$)DECLARE SUB Set (row, col, acolor)DECLARE SUB Center (row, text$)DECLARE SUB DoIntro ()DECLARE SUB Initialize ()DECLARE SUB SparklePause ()DECLARE SUB Level (WhatToDO, sammy() AS snaketype)DECLARE SUB InitColors ()DECLARE SUB EraseSnake (snake() AS ANY, snakeBod() AS ANY, snakeNum%)DECLARE FUNCTION StillWantsToPlay ()DECLARE FUNCTION PointIsThere (row, col, backColor)'ConstantsCONST TRUE = -1CONST FALSE = NOT TRUECONST MAXSNAKELENGTH = 1000CONST STARTOVER = 1       ' Parameters to 'Level' SUBCONST SAMELEVEL = 2CONST NEXTLEVEL = 3'Global VariablesDIM SHARED arena(1 TO 50, 1 TO 80) AS arenaTypeDIM SHARED curLevel, colorTable(10)RANDOMIZE TIMER  GOSUB ClearKeyLocks  Intro  GetInputs NumPlayers, speed, diff$, monitor$  GOSUB SetColors  DrawScreenDO   PlayNibbles NumPlayers, speed, diff$  LOOP WHILE StillWantsToPlayGOSUB RestoreKeyLocks  COLOR 15, 0  CLSENDClearKeyLocks:  DEF SEG = 0           ' Turn off CapLock, NumLock and ScrollLock  KeyFlags = PEEK(1047)  POKE 1047, &H0  DEF SEG  RETURNRestoreKeyLocks:  DEF SEG = 0           ' Restore CapLock, NumLock and ScrollLock states  POKE 1047, KeyFlags  DEF SEG  RETURNSetColors:  IF monitor$ = "M" THEN    RESTORE mono  ELSE    RESTORE normal  END IFFOR a = 1 TO 6    READ colorTable(a)  NEXT a  RETURN'snake1   snake2  Walls Background Dialogs-Fore Backmono:  DATA 15,     7,    7,   0,     15,      0normal: DATA 14,     13,   12,  1,     15,      4END'Center:' Centers text on given rowSUB Center (row, text$)  LOCATE row, 41 - LEN(text$) / 2  PRINT text$;END SUB'DrawScreen:' Draws playing fieldSUB DrawScreen'initialize screen  VIEW PRINT  COLOR colorTable(1), colorTable(4)  CLS'Print title & message  Center 1, "Nibbles!"  Center 11, "Initializing Playing Field..."    'Initialize arena array  FOR row = 1 TO 50    FOR col = 1 TO 80      arena(row, col).realRow = INT((row + 1) / 2)      arena(row, col).sister = (row MOD 2) * 2 - 1    NEXT col  NEXT rowEND SUB'EraseSnake:' Erases snake to facilitate moving through playing fieldSUB EraseSnake (snake() AS snaketype, snakeBod() AS snakeBody, snakeNum)FOR c = 0 TO 9    FOR b = snake(snakeNum).length - c TO 0 STEP -10      tail = (snake(snakeNum).head + MAXSNAKELENGTH - b) MOD MAXSNAKELENGTH      Set snakeBod(tail, snakeNum).row, snakeBod(tail, snakeNum).col, colorTable(4)    NEXT b  NEXT c  END SUB'GetInputs:' Gets player inputsSUB GetInputs (NumPlayers, speed, diff$, monitor$)COLOR 7, 0  CLSDO    LOCATE 5, 47: PRINT SPACE$(34);    LOCATE 5, 20    INPUT "How many players (1 or 2)"; num$  LOOP UNTIL VAL(num$) = 1 OR VAL(num$) = 2  NumPlayers = VAL(num$)LOCATE 8, 21: PRINT "Skill level (1 to 100)"  LOCATE 9, 22: PRINT "1  = Novice"  LOCATE 10, 22: PRINT "90 = Expert"  LOCATE 11, 22: PRINT "100 = Twiddle Fingers"  LOCATE 12, 15: PRINT "(Computer speed may affect your skill level)"  DO    LOCATE 8, 44: PRINT SPACE$(35);    LOCATE 8, 43    INPUT gamespeed$  LOOP UNTIL VAL(gamespeed$) = 1 AND VAL(gamespeed$) = 100  speed = VAL(gamespeed$)   speed = (100 - speed) * 2 + 1DO    LOCATE 15, 56: PRINT SPACE$(25);    LOCATE 15, 15    INPUT "Increase game speed during play (Y or N)"; diff$    diff$ = UCASE$(diff$)  LOOP UNTIL diff$ = "Y" OR diff$ = "N"DO    LOCATE 17, 46: PRINT SPACE$(34);    LOCATE 17, 17    INPUT "Monochrome or color monitor (M or C)"; monitor$    monitor$ = UCASE$(monitor$)  LOOP UNTIL monitor$ = "M" OR monitor$ = "C"startTime# = TIMER             ' Calculate speed of system  FOR i# = 1 TO 1000: NEXT i#         ' and do some compensation  stopTime# = TIMER  speed = speed * .5 / (stopTime# - startTime#)END SUB'InitColors:'Initializes playing field colorsSUB InitColors    FOR row = 1 TO 50    FOR col = 1 TO 80      arena(row, col).acolor = colorTable(4)    NEXT col  NEXT rowCLS   'Set (turn on) pixels for screen border  FOR col = 1 TO 80    Set 3, col, colorTable(3)    Set 50, col, colorTable(3)  NEXT colFOR row = 4 TO 49    Set row, 1, colorTable(3)    Set row, 80, colorTable(3)  NEXT rowEND SUB'Intro:' Displays game introductionSUB Intro  SCREEN 0  WIDTH 80, 25  COLOR 15, 0  CLSCenter 4, "Q B a s i c  N i b b l e s"  COLOR 7  Center 6, "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1990"  Center 8, "Nibbles is a game for one or two players. Navigate your snakes"  Center 9, "around the game board trying to eat up numbers while avoiding"  Center 10, "running into walls or other snakes. The more numbers you eat up,"  Center 11, "the more points you gain and the longer your snake becomes."  Center 13, " Game Controls "  Center 15, " General       Player 1        Player 2  "  Center 16, "            (Up)          (Up)   "  Center 17, "P - Pause        " + CHR$(24) + "           W    "  Center 18, "           (Left) " + CHR$(27) + "  " + CHR$(26) + " (Right)  (Left) A  D (Right) "  Center 19, "             " + CHR$(25) + "           S    "  Center 20, "            (Down)         (Down)   "  Center 24, "Press any key to continue"PLAY "MBT160O1L8CDEDCDL4ECC"  SparklePauseEND SUB'Level:'Sets game levelSUB Level (WhatToDO, sammy() AS snaketype) STATIC    SELECT CASE (WhatToDO)CASE STARTOVER    curLevel = 1  CASE NEXTLEVEL    curLevel = curLevel + 1  END SELECTsammy(1).head = 1            'Initialize Snakes  sammy(1).length = 2  sammy(1).alive = TRUE  sammy(2).head = 1  sammy(2).length = 2  sammy(2).alive = TRUEInitColors    SELECT CASE curLevel  CASE 1    sammy(1).row = 25: sammy(2).row = 25    sammy(1).col = 50: sammy(2).col = 30    sammy(1).direction = 4: sammy(2).direction = 3  CASE 2    FOR i = 20 TO 60      Set 25, i, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 60: sammy(2).col = 20    sammy(1).direction = 3: sammy(2).direction = 4CASE 3    FOR i = 10 TO 40      Set i, 20, colorTable(3)      Set i, 60, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 25: sammy(2).row = 25    sammy(1).col = 50: sammy(2).col = 30    sammy(1).direction = 1: sammy(2).direction = 2CASE 4    FOR i = 4 TO 30      Set i, 20, colorTable(3)      Set 53 - i, 60, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    FOR i = 2 TO 40      Set 38, i, colorTable(3)      Set 15, 81 - i, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 60: sammy(2).col = 20    sammy(1).direction = 3: sammy(2).direction = 4   CASE 5    FOR i = 13 TO 39      Set i, 21, colorTable(3)      Set i, 59, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    FOR i = 23 TO 57      Set 11, i, colorTable(3)      Set 41, i, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 25: sammy(2).row = 25    sammy(1).col = 50: sammy(2).col = 30    sammy(1).direction = 1: sammy(2).direction = 2CASE 6    FOR i = 4 TO 49      IF i  30 OR i  23 THEN        Set i, 10, colorTable(3)        Set i, 20, colorTable(3)        Set i, 30, colorTable(3)        Set i, 40, colorTable(3)        Set i, 50, colorTable(3)        Set i, 60, colorTable(3)        Set i, 70, colorTable(3)      END IF    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 65: sammy(2).col = 15    sammy(1).direction = 2: sammy(2).direction = 1CASE 7    FOR i = 4 TO 49 STEP 2      Set i, 40, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 65: sammy(2).col = 15    sammy(1).direction = 2: sammy(2).direction = 1CASE 8    FOR i = 4 TO 40      Set i, 10, colorTable(3)      Set 53 - i, 20, colorTable(3)      Set i, 30, colorTable(3)      Set 53 - i, 40, colorTable(3)      Set i, 50, colorTable(3)      Set 53 - i, 60, colorTable(3)      Set i, 70, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 65: sammy(2).col = 15    sammy(1).direction = 2: sammy(2).direction = 1CASE 9    FOR i = 6 TO 47      Set i, i, colorTable(3)      Set i, i + 28, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 40: sammy(2).row = 15    sammy(1).col = 75: sammy(2).col = 5    sammy(1).direction = 1: sammy(2).direction = 2   CASE ELSE    FOR i = 4 TO 49 STEP 2      Set i, 10, colorTable(3)      Set i + 1, 20, colorTable(3)      Set i, 30, colorTable(3)      Set i + 1, 40, colorTable(3)      Set i, 50, colorTable(3)      Set i + 1, 60, colorTable(3)      Set i, 70, colorTable(3)    NEXT i    sammy(1).row = 7: sammy(2).row = 43    sammy(1).col = 65: sammy(2).col = 15    sammy(1).direction = 2: sammy(2).direction = 1END SELECTEND SUB'PlayNibbles:' Main routine that controls game playSUB PlayNibbles (NumPlayers, speed, diff$)'Initialize Snakes  DIM sammyBody(MAXSNAKELENGTH - 1, 1 TO 2) AS snakeBody  DIM sammy(1 TO 2) AS snaketype  sammy(1).lives = 5  sammy(1).score = 0  sammy(1).scolor = colorTable(1)  sammy(2).lives = 5  sammy(2).score = 0  sammy(2).scolor = colorTable(2)          Level STARTOVER, sammy()  startRow1 = sammy(1).row: startCol1 = sammy(1).col  startRow2 = sammy(2).row: startCol2 = sammy(2).colcurSpeed = speed'play Nibbles until finishedSpacePause "   Level" + STR$(curLevel) + ", Push Space"  gameOver = FALSE  DO    IF NumPlayers = 1 THEN      sammy(2).row = 0    END IFnumber = 1     'Current number that snakes are trying to run into    nonum = TRUE    'nonum = TRUE if a number is not on the screenplayerDied = FALSE    PrintScore NumPlayers, sammy(1).score, sammy(2).score, sammy(1).lives, sammy(2).lives    PLAY "T160O1L20CDEDCDL10ECC"DO      'Print number if no number exists      IF nonum = TRUE THEN        DO          numberRow = INT(RND(1) * 47 + 3)          NumberCol = INT(RND(1) * 78 + 2)          sisterRow = numberRow + arena(numberRow, NumberCol).sister        LOOP UNTIL NOT PointIsThere(numberRow, NumberCol, colorTable(4)) AND NOT PointIsThere(sisterRow, NumberCol, colorTable(4))        numberRow = arena(numberRow, NumberCol).realRow        nonum = FALSE        COLOR colorTable(1), colorTable(4)        LOCATE numberRow, NumberCol        PRINT RIGHT$(STR$(number), 1);        count = 0      END IF'Delay game      FOR a# = 1 TO curSpeed: NEXT a#'Get keyboard input & Change direction accordingly      kbd$ = INKEY$      SELECT CASE kbd$        CASE "w", "W": IF sammy(2).direction  2 THEN sammy(2).direction = 1        CASE "s", "S": IF sammy(2).direction  1 THEN sammy(2).direction = 2        CASE "a", "A": IF sammy(2).direction  4 THEN sammy(2).direction = 3        CASE "d", "D": IF sammy(2).direction  3 THEN sammy(2).direction = 4        CASE CHR$(0) + "H": IF sammy(1).direction  2 THEN sammy(1).direction = 1        CASE CHR$(0) + "P": IF sammy(1).direction  1 THEN sammy(1).direction = 2        CASE CHR$(0) + "K": IF sammy(1).direction  4 THEN sammy(1).direction = 3        CASE CHR$(0) + "M": IF sammy(1).direction  3 THEN sammy(1).direction = 4        CASE "p", "P": SpacePause " Game Paused ... Push Space "        CASE ELSE      END SELECTFOR a = 1 TO NumPlayers        'Move Snake        SELECT CASE sammy(a).direction          CASE 1: sammy(a).row = sammy(a).row - 1          CASE 2: sammy(a).row = sammy(a).row + 1          CASE 3: sammy(a).col = sammy(a).col - 1          CASE 4: sammy(a).col = sammy(a).col + 1        END SELECT'If snake hits number, respond accordingly        IF numberRow = INT((sammy(a).row + 1) / 2) AND NumberCol = sammy(a).col THEN          PLAY "MBO0L16CCCE"          IF sammy(a).length  (MAXSNAKELENGTH - 30) THEN            sammy(a).length = sammy(a).length + number * 4          END IF          sammy(a).score = sammy(a).score + number          PrintScore NumPlayers, sammy(1).score, sammy(2).score, sammy(1).lives, sammy(2).lives          number = number + 1          IF number = 10 THEN            EraseSnake sammy(), sammyBody(), 1            EraseSnake sammy(), sammyBody(), 2            LOCATE numberRow, NumberCol: PRINT " "            Level NEXTLEVEL, sammy()            PrintScore NumPlayers, sammy(1).score, sammy(2).score, sammy(1).lives, sammy(2).lives            SpacePause "   Level" + STR$(curLevel) + ", Push Space"            IF NumPlayers = 1 THEN sammy(2).row = 0            number = 1            IF diff$ = "P" THEN speed = speed - 10: curSpeed = speed          END IF          nonum = TRUE          IF curSpeed  1 THEN curSpeed = 1        END IF      NEXT aFOR a = 1 TO NumPlayers        'If player runs into any point, or the head of the other snake, it dies.        IF PointIsThere(sammy(a).row, sammy(a).col, colorTable(4)) OR (sammy(1).row = sammy(2).row AND sammy(1).col = sammy(2).col) THEN          PLAY "MBO0L32EFGEFDC"          COLOR , colorTable(4)          LOCATE numberRow, NumberCol          PRINT " "                   playerDied = TRUE          sammy(a).alive = FALSE          sammy(a).lives = sammy(a).lives - 1'Otherwise, move the snake, and erase the tail        ELSE          sammy(a).head = (sammy(a).head + 1) MOD MAXSNAKELENGTH          sammyBody(sammy(a).head, a).row = sammy(a).row          sammyBody(sammy(a).head, a).col = sammy(a).col          tail = (sammy(a).head + MAXSNAKELENGTH - sammy(a).length) MOD MAXSNAKELENGTH          Set sammyBody(tail, a).row, sammyBody(tail, a).col, colorTable(4)          sammyBody(tail, a).row = 0          Set sammy(a).row, sammy(a).col, sammy(a).scolor        END IF      NEXT aLOOP UNTIL playerDiedcurSpeed = speed        ' reset speed to initial value       FOR a = 1 TO NumPlayers      EraseSnake sammy(), sammyBody(), a'If dead, then erase snake in really cool way      IF sammy(a).alive = FALSE THEN        'Update score        sammy(a).score = sammy(a).score - 10        PrintScore NumPlayers, sammy(1).score, sammy(2).score, sammy(1).lives, sammy(2).lives                IF a = 1 THEN          SpacePause " Sammy Dies! Push Space! ---"        ELSE          SpacePause " ---- Jake Dies! Push Space "        END IF      END IF    NEXT aLevel SAMELEVEL, sammy()    PrintScore NumPlayers, sammy(1).score, sammy(2).score, sammy(1).lives, sammy(2).lives    'Play next round, until either of snake's lives have run out.  LOOP UNTIL sammy(1).lives = 0 OR sammy(2).lives = 0END SUB'PointIsThere:' Checks the global arena array to see if the boolean flag is setFUNCTION PointIsThere (row, col, acolor)  IF row  0 THEN    IF arena(row, col).acolor  acolor THEN      PointIsThere = TRUE    ELSE      PointIsThere = FALSE    END IF  END IFEND FUNCTION'PrintScore:' Prints players scores and number of lives remainingSUB PrintScore (NumPlayers, score1, score2, lives1, lives2)  COLOR 15, colorTable(4)IF NumPlayers = 2 THEN    LOCATE 1, 1    PRINT USING "#,###,#00 Lives: # --JAKE"; score2; lives2  END IFLOCATE 1, 49  PRINT USING "SAMMY-- Lives: #   #,###,#00"; lives1; score1END SUB'Set:' Sets row and column on playing field to given color to facilitate moving' of snakes around the field.SUB Set (row, col, acolor)  IF row  0 THEN    arena(row, col).acolor = acolor       'assign color to arena    realRow = arena(row, col).realRow      'Get real row of pixel    topFlag = arena(row, col).sister + 1 / 2  'Deduce whether pixel                          'is on top? or bottom?    sisterRow = row + arena(row, col).sister  'Get arena row of sister    sisterColor = arena(sisterRow, col).acolor 'Determine sister's colorLOCATE realRow, colIF acolor = sisterColor THEN        'If both points are same      COLOR acolor, acolor              'Print chr$(219) "?      PRINT CHR$(219);    ELSE      IF topFlag THEN             'Since you cannot have        IF acolor  7 THEN         'bright backgrounds          COLOR acolor, sisterColor    'determine best combo          PRINT CHR$(223);        'to use.        ELSE          COLOR sisterColor, acolor          PRINT CHR$(220);        END IF      ELSE        IF acolor  7 THEN          COLOR acolor, sisterColor          PRINT CHR$(220);        ELSE          COLOR sisterColor, acolor          PRINT CHR$(223);        END IF      END IF    END IF  END IFEND SUB'SpacePause:' Pauses game play and waits for space bar to be pressed before continuingSUB SpacePause (text$)COLOR colorTable(5), colorTable(6)  Center 11, "圻哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?  Center 12, "?" + LEFT$(text$ + SPACE$(29), 29) + " ?  Center 13, "圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?  WHILE INKEY$  "": WEND  WHILE INKEY$  " ": WEND  COLOR 15, colorTable(4)FOR i = 21 TO 26      ' Restore the screen background    FOR j = 24 TO 56      Set i, j, arena(i, j).acolor    NEXT j  NEXT iEND SUB'SparklePause:' Creates flashing border for intro screenSUB SparklePauseCOLOR 4, 0  a$ = "*  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *  "  WHILE INKEY$  "": WEND 'Clear keyboard bufferWHILE INKEY$ = ""    FOR a = 1 TO 5      LOCATE 1, 1               'print horizontal sparkles      PRINT MID$(a$, a, 80);      LOCATE 22, 1      PRINT MID$(a$, 6 - a, 80);FOR b = 2 TO 21             'Print Vertical sparkles        c = (a + b) MOD 5        IF c = 1 THEN          LOCATE b, 80          PRINT "*";          LOCATE 23 - b, 1          PRINT "*";        ELSE          LOCATE b, 80          PRINT " ";          LOCATE 23 - b, 1          PRINT " ";        END IF      NEXT b    NEXT a  WENDEND SUB'StillWantsToPlay:' Determines if users want to play game again.FUNCTION StillWantsToPlayCOLOR colorTable(5), colorTable(6)  Center 10, "圻哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌哌?  Center 11, "?   G A M E  O V E R    ?  Center 12, "?               ?  Center 13, "?   Play Again?  (Y/N)   ?  Center 14, "圮苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘苘?WHILE INKEY$  "": WEND  DO    kbd$ = UCASE$(INKEY$)  LOOP UNTIL kbd$ = "Y" OR kbd$ = "N"COLOR 15, colorTable(4)  Center 10, "                 "  Center 11, "                 "  Center 12, "                 "  Center 13, "                 "  Center 14, "                 "IF kbd$ = "Y" THEN    StillWantsToPlay = TRUE  ELSE    StillWantsToPlay = FALSE    COLOR 7, 0    CLS  END IFEND FUNCTION

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