怎样创建.NET Web Service(2)
怎样创建.NET Web Service(2),怎样创建.NET Web Service(2)
创建Web Service
我将用c#创建一个Web Service 叫SecurityWebService。一个Web Service文件的扩展名是:.asmx(就象asp.net的文件扩展名.aspx那样),文件的第一行是:
<%@ WebService Language="C#" class="SecurityWebService" %>
这个语句的含义是:告诉编译器运行Web Service模式,还有c#类名。我们还需要访问Web Service名字空间,这也是引用系统名字空间的一次好实践。
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
SecurityWebService 应该继承了Web Service类的功能,因此我们有必要加入下面这行代码
public class SecurityWebService : WebService
C#的基本数据类型设计的非常聪明,因此,如果我们返回"int," "float," 或者 "string" ,那么将自动将他们转变成标准Xml输出。不幸的是,在大多数例子中我们需要将获得的数据集合看成一个单一的实体(single entity)。现在我们举一个例子。
我们的 SecurityWebService 股票报价系统需要用户输入股票代码,并且还将返回完整的公司名和现行股票价格,所以对一只股票而言我们有三个信息块。
public struct SecurityInfo
public string Code;
public string CompanyName;
public double Price;
我们可以通过模块创建Web Service,代码如下:
<%@ WebService Language="C#" class="SecurityWebService" %>
using System;
using System.Web.Services;
public struct SecurityInfo
public string Code;
public string CompanyName;
public double Price;
public class SecurityWebService : WebService
private SecurityInfo Security;
public SecurityWebService()
Security.Code = "";
Security.CompanyName = "";
Security.Price = 0;
private void AssignValues(string Code)
// This is where you use your business components.
// Method calls on Business components are used to populate the data.
// For demonstration purposes, I will add a string to the Code and
// use a random number generator to create the price feed.
Security.Code = Code;
Security.CompanyName = Code + " Pty Ltd";
Random RandomNumber = new System.Random();
Security.Price = double.Parse(new System.Random(RandomNumber.Next(1,10)).NextDouble().Format("##.##",null));
[WebMethod(Description="This method call will get the company name and the price for a given security code.",EnableSession=false)]
public SecurityInfo GetSecurityInfo(string Code)
SecurityInfo SecurityDetails = new SecurityInfo();
SecurityDetails.Code = Security.Code;
SecurityDetails.CompanyName = Security.CompanyName;
SecurityDetails.Price = Security.Price;
return SecurityDetails;