Let's see how to implement the tools usage by looking at some parts of TEST.ASP:
<!--#include virtual="/readini/inifile.inc"--
For fairly obvious reasons, we need to include the tools in our page, of course we should fix the path the include file is stored it.
call IniFileLoad("physical=c:boot.ini")
Next, a call to IniFileLoad fetches the INI file into a dictionary object called IniFileDictionary. You can specify a physical path as listed above, or you could specify a virtual path such as "virtual=/readini/test.ini".
StrBuf = IniFileValue("boot loader|timeout")
StrBuf = IniFileValue("boot loader")
Finally, we need to ask for a value from the dictionary. You can specify an individual value by using the section name and value name separated by a vertical bar (sometimes referred to as a 'pipe') character. Alternately, we can request the entire content of a section by not specifying the value name. When the section is returned, the data is formatted as:
Section name|Value name=Value Data~Section name|ValueName=Value Data
Note that each section/value/data triplet is separated by a tilde character.
Well, that's all there is to it! Happy programming!
This ZIP file contains an INC file with the utility routines, a test INI file, and an ASP file that demonstrates the tools usage.