'Set variables and create object
strConnectionString = "DSN=MyAuction;UID=username;PWD=password;Database=MyAuctionDB"
set rst = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset")
'Insert info into auction table
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblAuctions (StartDate, EndDate, SellerID)
VALUES ('" & Request.Form("StartDate") & "', '" & Request.Form("EndDate")
& "', " & SellerID & ")"
rst.open strSQL, strConnectionString
'Get the ID of the auction we just entered
strSQL = "SELECT max(AID) as AID FROM tblAuctions"
rst.open strSQL, strConnectionString
intAID = rst(0)
'Insert item info
strSQL = "INSERT INTO tblAuctionItems (AID, Name, Description, " & _
"MinPrice, Increment, Available)" & _
"VALUES (" & intAID & ", '" & Request.Form("ItemName") & _
"', '" & Request.Form("ItemDescription") & "', '" & _
Request.Form("MinPrice") & "', '" & Request.Form("Increment")
& _
"', " & Request.Form("Available") & ")"
rst.open strSQL, strConnectionString
'Clean up
set rst = nothing
The bids are a bit harder to manage. Let's look at these in more detail.