以下为 import.php 源程序
<style type=text/css
body,td,li,div,p,pre,a,b,h1,h2,h3,h4 {font-family:verdana;font-size:9pt;line-height : 18px;color:#a00000 }
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<div style="font-size:24pt;font-family:times;font-weight:bold;color:#008000"ODBC -- MySQL Migrant</div
<hr size=1 color=#900000
$dbconnection = @mysql_connect("yourmysqlserver", "mysqlaccount", "mysqlpassword")
or die ("can not connect to database server");
or die("<p style='font-size:9pt;font-family:verdana;color:#803333;font-weight:bold'No Database,</p") ;
$conn = odbc_connect("task", "", "");
$fp = fopen ("fdlist.txt","r") ;
$table1 = fgets($fp,200);
$fd1 = fgets($fp,1024) ;
$table2 = fgets($fp,200);
$fd2 = fgets($fp,1024) ;
$query1 = "select " . $fd1 . " from " . $table1 ;
$query2 = "select " . $fd2 . " from " . $table2 . " where 1=2 " ;
$result = mysql_query ($query2) ;
mysql_query ("delete from " .$table2 ) ;
echo "sql=". $query1;
$recordsid = odbc_exec($conn, $query1);
$idcounts = odbc_num_fields( $recordsid ) ;
$idcount2 = mysql_num_fields($result) ;
if ( $idcounts != $idcount2 )
die (" The fields of two tables doesn't match ") ;
echo "<table width=90% border=1 bordercolorlight=#000000 bordercolordark=#ffffff cellpadding=3 cellspacing=0n" ;
echo "<tr align=center<td n " ;
for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $idcounts ; $i ++)
echo "n<td" . odbc_field_name($recordsid,$i) ;
$theno = 1 ;
echo "<trn" ;
while (odbc_fetch_row($recordsid) ) {