///************** IIS控制管理类 1.0 Beta ************** ///************** Author: 飞刀 ************** ///************** http://www.aspcn.com ************** ///************** feidao@aspcn.com ************** ///*********************************************************** using System; using System.Data; using System.DirectoryServices; using System.Collections; namespace Aspcn.Management { /// /// IISManager 的摘要说明。 /// public class IISManager { //定义需要使用的 private string _server,_website; private VirtualDirectories _virdirs; protected System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry rootfolder; private bool _batchflag; public IISManager() { //默认情况下使用localhost,即访问本地机 _server = "localhost"; _website = "1"; _batchflag = false; } public IISManager(string strServer) { _server = strServer; _website = "1"; _batchflag = false; } /// /// 定义公共属性 /// //Server属性定义访问机器的名字,可以是IP与计算名 public string Server { get{ return _server;} set{ _server = value;} } //WebSite属性定义,为一数字,为方便,使用string //一般来说第一台主机为1,第二台主机为2,依次类推 public string WebSite { get{ return _website; } set{ _website = value; } } //虚拟目录的名字 public VirtualDirectories VirDirs { get{ return _virdirs; } set{ _virdirs = value;} } /// ///定义公共方法 /// //连接服务器 public void Connect() { ConnectToServer(); } //为方便重载 public void Connect(string strServer) { _server = strServer; ConnectToServer(); } //为方便重载 public void Connect(string strServer,string strWebSite) { _server = strServer; _website = strWebSite; ConnectToServer(); } //判断是否存这个虚拟目录 public bool Exists(string strVirdir) { return _virdirs.Contains(strVirdir); } //添加一个虚拟目录 public void Create(VirtualDirectory newdir) { string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website + "/ROOT/" + newdir.Name; if(!_virdirs.Contains(newdir.Name) || _batchflag ) { try { //加入到ROOT的Children集合中去 DirectoryEntry newVirDir = rootfolder.Children.Add(newdir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir"); newVirDir.Invoke("AppCreate",true); newVirDir.CommitChanges(); rootfolder.CommitChanges(); //然后更新数据 UpdateDirInfo(newVirDir,newdir); } catch(Exception ee) { throw new Exception(ee.ToString()); } } else { throw new Exception("This virtual directory is already exist."); } } //得到一个虚拟目录 public VirtualDirectory GetVirDir(string strVirdir) { VirtualDirectory tmp = null; if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir)) { tmp = _virdirs.Find(strVirdir); ((VirtualDirectory)_virdirs[strVirdir]).flag = 2; } else { throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists"); } return tmp; } //更新一个虚拟目录 public void Update(VirtualDirectory dir) { //判断需要更改的虚拟目录是否存在 if(_virdirs.Contains(dir.Name)) { DirectoryEntry ode = rootfolder.Children.Find(dir.Name,"IIsWebVirtualDir"); UpdateDirInfo(ode,dir); } else { throw new Exception("This virtual directory is not exists."); } } //删除一个虚拟目录 public void Delete(string strVirdir) { if(_virdirs.Contains(strVirdir)) { object[] paras = new object[2]; paras[0] = "IIsWebVirtualDir"; //表示操作的是虚拟目录 paras[1] = strVirdir; rootfolder.Invoke("Delete",paras); rootfolder.CommitChanges(); } else { throw new Exception("Can''t delete " + strVirdir + ",because it isn''t exists."); } } //批量更新 public void UpdateBatch() { BatchUpdate(_virdirs); } //重载一个:-) public void UpdateBatch(VirtualDirectories vds) { BatchUpdate(vds); } /// ///私有方法 /// //连接服务器 private void ConnectToServer() { string strPath = "IIS://" + _server + "/W3SVC/" + _website +"/ROOT"; try { this.rootfolder = new DirectoryEntry(strPath); _virdirs = GetVirDirs(this.rootfolder.Children); } catch(Exception e) { throw new Exception("Can''t connect to the server ["+ _server +"] ...",e); } } //执行批量更新 private void BatchUpdate(VirtualDirectories vds) { _batchflag = true; foreach(object item in vds.Values) { Virtu