use Assembly to call a method
use Assembly to call a method,use Assembly to call a method
When using objectFactory,u may want to call a static method,but would not like to write a mass of interfaces to *Show* the method.Here,it's a way.
Code:using System.Reflection;
try { Assembly asm =Assembly.Load("FC.Shared.Common"); Type t = asm.GetType("FC.Shared.Common.CMessage"); MethodInfo minfo=t.GetMethod("Send"); Object obj = Activator.CreateInstance(t); //Object obj=asm.CreateInstance("FC.Shared.Common.CMessage"); minfo.Invoke(obj,new string []{"IMMsgOut","Sender","Recipient","hello","Body","BizBody"}); } catch(Exception e) { MessageBox.Show(e.InnerException.Message); throw e.InnerException; }