展现C# 清单5.10 生成exe文件执行的问题
展现C# 清单5.10 生成exe文件执行的问题,展现C# 清单5.10 生成exe文件执行的问题
清单 5.10 通过一个索引获取一个IP地址
1: using System;2: using System.Net;3: 4: class ResolveDNS5: {6: IPAddress[] m_arrIPs;7: 8: public void Resolve(string strHost)9: {10: IPHostEntry iphe = Dns.GetHostByName(strHost);11: m_arrIPs = iphe.AddressList;12: }13: 14: public IPAddress this[int nIndex]15: {16: get17: {18: return m_arrIPs[nIndex];19: }20: }21: 22: public int Count23: {24: get { return m_arrIPs.Length; }25: }26: }27: 28: class DNSResolverApp29: {30: public static void Main()31: {32: ResolveDNS myDNSResolver = new ResolveDNS();33: myDNSResolver.Resolve("http://www.microsoft.com");34: 35: int nCount = myDNSResolver.Count;36: Console.WriteLine("Found {0} IP's for hostname", nCount);37: for (int i=0; i < nCount; i++)38: Console.WriteLine(myDNSResolver[i]);39: } 40: }
Visual Studio .NET2003 version 7.1.3091 Microsoft Visual C# .NET
Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1.4322 sp1
未处理的System.Net.Sockets.SocketException类型的异常出现在 system.dll 中。
其他信息: The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for