这对较复杂或非私人网页尤其重要,它不单是提醒自已,亦提醒你的同事这部分 做什么、那部分做什么。
<!--由这处开始是产品订购表格-- (本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://m.tulaoshi.com/html/)用作版权声明。
<!--本文版权为 1998, Creation of Webpage 所拥有,未经许,请勿抄摘-- ■ <P :▲Top<P称为。作用:为字、画、表格等之间留一空白行。
本来<P是一围堵标记,标于一段落的头尾,但从 HTML 2.0 开始己不需要</P作结尾。
<P 的常用参数: 如:<p ="center" ="center"
可选值:right, left, center。
内定值: align=""
例子: 原始码Here is the text for my paragraph. It does't matter how long it is,
how many space are between the words or when I decide to hit the return key.
It will create a new paragraph only when I begin the tag with another one.
<PHere's the next paragraph. 显示结果
Here is the text for my paragraph. It does't matter how long it is, how many space are between the words or when I decide to hit the return key. It will create a new paragraph only when I begin the tag with another one.
Here's the next paragraph.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://m.tulaoshi.com/html/)■ <BR :▲Top<BR称为。作用:令字、画、表格等显示于下一行。由于浏览器会自动忽略原始码中空白和换行的部分,这令到<BR成为最常用的标记之 一。因为无论你在原始码中编好了多漂亮的文章,若不适当地加上或, 浏览器只会将它显示成一大段。
错误示范:(邮局可不会接受一行过的地址) 原始码566 E Boston Post RD
Mamaroneck NY 10543-9982
United States of America