《使命召唤9:黑色行动2》现已登陆Xbox360,PS3和PC平台,Wii U版将在11月18日登陆北美。
1 此彩蛋需要选择在easy难度以上才能解锁,所以各位同学不要指望偷懒了。
2 打法上不一定非要4人不可, 理论上2个操作高手就可以解开,正常情况下3个人就够了。1人拉怪,另外2人跑灯;最稳的是4人,1人拉怪,3人跑灯。
3 在第一站是需要特别注意这里每个人必须拿不少于3台的电风扇。
4 在第二站必须得抽到EMP量子雷,不然到了后面你就会明白痛苦了。
5 抽EMP时可以请操作达人前去第4站开电源并关电源,有钱的话配备一把AK74U并前往玉米地,会轻松不少。
6 求稳的话等抽到EMP为止,全员移动到第4站实验室开电源并关电源,一定要等博士说完话才能走,没有好枪的请掏1200买门 口的AK74U。
7 从4站往3站农场方向,沿着左边跑路过火车可以进入本作zombie的核心区域-玉米地。这里玩家必须熟悉,如果不熟的话建议自行熟悉下本地图再打,不然真心没法玩。
8 到了发电塔后如果之前有留最后的1-2只zombie,请带他们兜圈到整个发电塔的天空都布满乌云和闪电并杀掉zombie过这波,下一波闪电boss刷出的概率会提高不少。但是这只是一个偏方,如果10波以前还没刷出闪电boss基本可以重开了。
9 闪电boss出来后,请负责拉怪的一人迅速放出电风扇,其他人都不要拿出自己的电风扇。然后专心杀怪,听到博士说kill 闪电boss, 抽到EMP量子雷的同学请迅速扔出EMP。秒杀boss后博士会说出新的台词 听到这句话代表目前阶段都成功,之后只剩最后一步了。
10 之后保留这波的1-2个zombie,找一人负责拉怪,其他2-3人要分头去找一闪一闪的灯并在下面放之前没拿出的完好的电风扇(解传送成就的那种灯) 。至于这2个灯的具体放置位置目前还不能确认,所以各位同学自己就多找找。目前已知的有2站电风扇门下的灯、4-5站中间的灯、玉米地门口的灯、3-4站之间的灯、第1站的灯,这些地方都有人解过成就。之后玩家即可解开这个最终彩蛋,彩蛋是否达成可以通过查看是否有2台灯向发电塔发出橙色光茫来确认。
Xbox360《使命召唤9 黑色行动2》重大更新《使命召唤9 黑色行动2》在日前惊现喜感跑车 后又迎来了一次大规模更新,这次更新补丁里包含六个个性化包,每个包里都有一种迷彩,一张召唤卡(calling card),以及三款独特的瞄准标线镜。这次更新还处理了一批涉及多人模式和僵尸模式的问题。
Treyarch has released a Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 title update for the Xbox 360 version of the game.
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://m.tulaoshi.com)The patch introduces new personalisation packs as DLC, while addressing a number of multiplayer and Zombies issues.
New Features
6 new Personalization Packs are now available as downloadable content. Each pack comes loaded with 1 camo, 1 themed calling card and 3 unique reticles. Season Pass holders will now be reminded to download Season Pass content which they haven't previously downloaded.Multiplayer Issues Addressed Improved stability when pressing buttons during a Theater mode screenshot. Screenshots taken during Theater mode from a match on Uplink will no longer become corrupt.Multiplayer Game Balancing AN-94: Damage slightly reduced. DSR 50: Rate of fire reduced. Ballista: Rate of fire slightly reduced.Zombies Issues Addressed
Die Rise
Players are no longer able to access unintended areas using the Trample Steam and the Elevator.
Mob of the Dead
Pack-A-Punch version of the Raygun Mark II now displays the correct skin.
Players are no longer able to pass over the Mansion fence using invisible collision. Fixed an issue where Players were able to duplicate candy and booze when in dying in a specific staircase. Players are no longer able to stand on invisible collision near the Stables and be free from zombie attack. Fixed an issue where Players were able to hold the top of the Bank for an extended period of time using the Paralyzer and the Vulture-Aid perk. Players are no longer able to position buildables in the General Store and become free from zombie attack. Players no longer get stuck at the bottom of the slide when using Dive-To-Prone. Addressed multiple issues where Players were able to throw themselves into walls using the Trample Steam and become free from zombie attack. Players are no longer able to reach unintended collision on the 2nd Floor balcony of the Saloon. Addressed an issue where Players could be free from zombie attack when holding a claymore and looking downward, when standing next to a Mystery Box. Players are no longer able to launch themselves out of the level near the Saloon using the Paralyzer. Fixed multiple issues where the Friendly AI would get stuck while holding a crawler zombie when above the General Store, in the Bank, in the Courthouse, in the Mansion, or the 2nd Floor of the Barn. The Friendly AI no longer gets stuck when bringing the Mystery Box from the Hedge Maze to the Town, and vice versa. The Friendly AI no longer becomes stuck if a Player gives him Candy and then enters the Fountain.玩家们对《使命召唤9》的结局是否有很大兴趣呢,下面就来剧透啦,先为大家献上《使命召唤9》的三个结局养养眼,快来看吧~~~
(本文来源于图老师网站,更多请访问http://m.tulaoshi.com)《使命召唤9 黑色行动2》公开DLC预告 生灵涂炭《使命召唤9:黑色行动2》的第三个下载内容复仇(Vengeance)即将与7月2日上市,该DLC新增四张多人对6666图Detour、Uplink、Rush、Cove,一个丧尸关卡Buried和一款全新武器镭射枪2号。今日,官方公开了该DLC正式预告,空地一体战让无数生灵涂炭。